How To Wear Green With Your Hair

How to wear green with your hair
Credited - Clemmie Rose

This season we’re here to entice you out of your wardrobe of all black and variations of black, (grey and white come under here too!) in favour of colour. One colour that in all of its many hues and tones can be worn by all - from redheads to icy blondes and even the darkest blue black of hair- is green, our colour focus for autumn.

Colour isn’t simply something the eye sees, or the body wears, the psychology behind colour is what ultimately draws us to them. Of course, we must first get over the initial hurdle of “I’m really not sure green is for me, I’m much more comfortable in black”, which as Stylists we can all wholeheartedly understand. For Autumn this year we want to bring green to life in your wardrobe and guide you through the different shades you should be wearing to complement your hair. 

We can’t ignore the symbolism behind this colour, the connotations of growth, prosperity and harmony which are particularly poignant to focus on in the present circumstances.

During the months of lockdown, many of us turned to nature as a way to remain positive, it’s no secret that being surrounded by green has a calming influence over us. We want to capture this feeling into something that you can wear and feel equally as calm and centered, while cleverly drawing attention to your beautiful hair without the need for a neon sign above your head.

While first and foremost we’re hairdressers by trade, we’re also artists in our own right. Our Hair ID training means our stylists know tonnes about the colour wheel, different skin tones and hair colour so where best to get your wardrobe advice from than us? Colour matching isn’t as black and white as it seems, the pairing can be complex but we’re here to guide you through.

Skin Tone

As a rule of thumb, there are only two underlying colours present in skin tones and this generally dictates what colours you can and can’t wear. 

Alongside the pioneer of the colour cape, Michelle at MB Style Consultancy, Blushes have developed a process that showcases very simply what colours work for your skin tone and what doesn’t. Once you see how the right tone and colours make you glow, you’ll never shop the same. 

Your natural skin tone will either be blue based, or yellow based- cool or warm, this is something we can identify for you, during a Hair ID session, if you’re unsure. The theory being that with all blue based skin tones your go to colours are also blue based, for example, pink, blue, burgundy, maroon, charcoal and black.

With yellow based skin tones your friends are beige, coral, tangerine, gold, red and brown. Green is one that falls under both categories, it is simply the distribution of blue or yellow pigment in the shades that allows it to work for you.

What To Wear

Once you’ve identified whether you’re a cool tone or a warmer tone then it’s time to start looking at what shades might be for you. As a blonde, a redhead or a brunette you will naturally suit a variety of depths of green. 


As a medium blonde, with tones of honey and butterscotch, we would pair you with chartreuse, a gorgeous bright yellow-based green to offset the buttery tones in your hair and the undertones of your skin. Pair with some delicate gold jewellery to finish the look, keeping your jewellery in the same family is another subtle way to enhance your skin tone and amplify your look. 

For our cooler blondes opt for tones such as Sage and Mint, wearing paler blue-dominated tones that are of a similar saturation to the hair is a great way to emphasise the clean, bright tones in your blonde like an instant dose of purple shampoo. 


Natural Redheads are the only wild card when it comes to complementary colours, it all comes down to skin tone. While some reds can positively dazzle in yellow-tone greens for others it may wash them out, deep blue-greens works for some depths and not others.

The more pigmented and vibrant your colour the bolder you want to go with your greens, think deep emerald green and turquoise if your skin will allow it. The most important thing to remember is to match your depth and tone of green in equal measure with the saturation of your hair regardless of whether that’s cool or warm.

Hint- to maximise your look and throw caution to the wind, throw in a slash of burnt red lipstick (for times where facemasks aren’t present) that will not only set your hair alight but also contrast the green in a show-stopping way. 


While Brunettes tend to fall onto the warmer end of the spectrum due to the undertones in the hair, there are exceptions. Another identifying feature that will give you an idea of the best shade of green to be wearing is the depth and colour of your eyes.

As a Brunette, you may have hazel or green eyes, a mid-dark brown base with hints of chestnut so you would like great in khaki, or olive green – shades that fall in the middle of the spectrum but pay homage to your eyes too. 

Brunette’s with a deeper, cooler shade of brown but with contrasting eyes of blue have options to play with, your skin tone may favour cooler or warmer greens, therefore, we suggest swinging by the changing rooms and trying both until you find what brings your skin and hair to life.

There are so many fun ways to wear green, a bold emerald dress, a funky acid green knit, perhaps even a green croc print pair of boots (not all at the same time of course). There are ways to make this colour work for you that is entirely personal and unique for your style. 

If you want to carry on the conversation, ask our advice at your next appointment or book in for an expert Hair ID consultation.


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