Everything you need to know: treatments in our oxford hair & beauty salon

Have you heard that we’ve reintroduced beauty into our hair salon in Oxford? We’ve partnered with Danielle from Derm Elite Beauty to join us, offering a variety of new treatments. Keep reading to find more about Danielle and her treatments including how they could benefit you.

What is "micropigmentation" and who would benefit from this treatment? 

Micropigmentation is the implantation of pigments into the skin either by a hand held digital device or a hand tool. It is a form of semi permanent or permanent skin tattooing. Other words for Micropigmentation are Cosmetic Tattoo, Semi Permanent Makeup (SMPU), Permanent Makeup (PMU) and Microblading.

Micropigmentation is suitable for almost anyone. There are some medical conditions which would affect a persons suitability, for instance, a person undergoing Cancer treatment or someone with a skin condition in the area they require the treatment ie psoriasis in their eyebrows. A person with an immune disorder may also not be a suitable candidate due to an increased risk of infection. 

It is also not advised to treat pregnant women or women that are still nursing. 

What different types of semi-permanent/tattooed eyebrows do you offer?

I offer a variety of types of Semi Permanent Makeup. I have trained in classic Hairstroke brows, both with a machine and a hand tool (microblade), Powder brows, Combination Brows (powder and Hairstroke), Ombre (lightly powdered pixelated brows) and most recently the increasingly popular Ultra Realism Nano Brows, which is a very natural Hairstroke brow with a combination of defined hairstrokes and soft pixelated hairstrokes to add depth and dimension to the brow.

You are probably a bit confused about why there are so many different types of brows and what all the terminology means, but I believe by knowing as many different techniques and eyebrow styles, I am able to work with the client to create a unique eyebrow tailored to their specifications ie, their desired outcome, their age, their existing eyebrow condition, skin condition and lifestyle. 

With semi-permanent make up treatments, how long would they last and does that change depending on the area?

It is difficult to predict how long any semi permanent makeup with last on each individual person as there are many factors which one needs to take into account. How much sun exposure do they have? Do they have dehydrated skin? Do they have a high metabolism? Is there skin oily?  There are many factors which will affect the longevity of SPMU but a guide would be 1-3 years for eyebrows and 2-5 for Lip and Eyeliner. It is recommended however that a client has a "Colour Boost" every 12-18 month to keep the SPMU looking fresh.

If I've had my brows tattooed/micro bladed in the past, is it possible to correct them?

Yes absolutely! I often have clients which have had SPMU previously and I am usually able to successfully cover up an old tattoo or occasionally I may recommend a couple of removal sessions, which is also something I offer, to give the client the best outcome.

Can semi permanent lip liner/sheer lip treatment help them to appear fuller?

Yes it can. Some people naturally have very pale lip colour and even when we tattoo the lip area with a natural colour, it can make the lips more visible and therefore fuller as they will be more defined.  

There are techniques which can give the lips more fullness, for example using a slightly darker colour on the lip line which then gradually lightens as we tattoo the centre middle of the lips.  

Is there anyone who can't undertake any of your services or are they able to be personalised to anyone?

Apart from pregnant women and people undergoing treatment for cancer, there are very few instances in which I would not be able to offer someone semi permanent makeup treatment. It may be the case that a person needs to obtain a Doctors/consultants note if they are on certain medications or have a medical condition. Generally, I feel confident that with the knowledge and experience I have gained over the last 6 years, I can work around most issues and conditions and offer my clients the best treatment for them.  


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