Benefits of indoor plants for mental health and well-being & our top five air-purifying plant recommendations

After a tough 2020 and start to 2021, there’s no denying that investing in our mental health and well-being is incredibly important. But when taking stock, we can go far beyond the food we put on our plate and the way we move our bodies.

As Blushes moves into an era of focusing on creating incredible environments for people to flourish in, we caught up with Cheltenham client Beth Chapman, Founder of Leaf Envy, an online haven of beautiful plants and pots that aims to make plant parenthood and growing your indoor jungle of dreams simple.

Building an Instagram-worthy urban jungle of dreams is actually a lot easier than you think, especially when you have the knowledge to choose which plants suit your living space and lifestyle. What’s more, setting one up doesn’t just look amazing but has so many benefits on your mental and physical well-being.

So here’s a rundown of how and why indoor plants are great for your overall health and well-being as well as Beth’s top 5 air-purifying plants.

Improve the air quality in your home

Chinese Money Plant

Humans breathe in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, and plants absorb it back up again. It’s a precious cycle that means the air quality of your home can stay super clean and healthy without you doing anything - sounds great to us!

Reduce the risk of illness

Peace Lilly

Having houseplants can actually help you steer away from illness, keeping you healthy and living at your best! Don’t believe it? Plants help create moisture in the air through the process of transpiration. The increased humidity makes it far more difficult for flu viruses to survive! This goes to explain why some studies have shown how indoor plants can reduce sick-leave in the workplace by 60%! It's also why Grey's Anatomy has a "plant room" instead of a green room :)

Stay focused and improve creativity

Snake Plant

Guess what? A #plantfam may be precisely what you need if you find yourself distracted easily. One US study found that the presence of plants can increase memory retention by as much as 20%, as well as boosting productivity dramatically.

Alocasia Zebrina

On top of this, a 2016 study found that keeping houseplants is a great way to boost your creativity compared to having no plants around you; especially if you’re doing art. Plants help get those creative juices flowing and make the perfect WFH companion!

Live a more mindful life

ZZ Plant

Plant parenthood is a rewarding experience. It's a time where you can disconnect from technology and spend time caring for a living thing external to yourself. Much like the practice of mindfulness, plant parenthood is all about patience and acceptance.

We, intrinsically as humans have an innate connection and adoration of nature which is an experience difficult to articulate. However, it does explain why scientific studies show that the presence of plants can help reduce depressive feelings by 58% and reduce tension and anxiety by 44%.

So if you’re interested in giving your mind and body a boost with a plant family of your own, why not start with one of Beth’s top 5 air-purifying plant recommendations:

  1. Peace Lily

  2. Alocasia Zebrina

  3. Chinese money plant

  4. Snake plant

  5. ZZ plant


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